pre-www / src / layout / single-news.twig
@EcosistemaWebIuav EcosistemaWebIuav on 25 Jan 8 KB fix: fix body class in single-news
{% if paths_base == null %}
    {% set paths_base = '../..' %}
{% endif %}

{% set type = "news" %}

{% extends "base.twig" %}

{% set bodyClasses = 'single single-news' %}

{% set post =[currentPost] %}

{% block breadcrumbs %}

    {% set breadcrumbs_block = 
            "post_type": "news",
            "show_terms": false,
            "current_id": currentPost 
    {% include '../blocks/breadcrumbs.twig' with {'block': breadcrumbs_block } %}

{% endblock %}

{% block content %}

    <div class="grid-container news-main">
        <div class="columns">
            <div class="w-full lg:w-1/2 column">
                <div class="news-col-sticky">
                    <div class="news-image">
                        {% include "../layout/partials/picture.twig" with {"image": post.featured_image } %}
                    <div class="news-info">
                        {% set news_info_content_items = [
                                "label": "Data",
                        ] %}
                        {% for term in post.terms %}
                            {% set parent_post_term = term[0] %}
                            {% set post_term = term[1] %}
                            {% set news_info_content_items = news_info_content_items|merge([
                                    "label": taxonomies[~type~].terms[~parent_post_term~].name,
                                    "text": taxonomies[~type~].terms[~parent_post_term~].items[~post_term~].name
                            ]) %}
                        {% endfor %}
                        {% set news_info = 
                                "key": "grid-list",
                                "content": {
                                    "items": news_info_content_items
                        {% include '../blocks/grid-list.twig' with {'block': news_info } %}
            <div class="w-full lg:w-1/2 column">
                {% if post.abstract %}
                    <p class="h4">{{post.abstract}}</p>
                {% endif %}
                {% if post.content_links %}
                    {% set links = {
                        "key": "links-list",
                        "classes": "",
                        "links_size": "sm",
                        "content": {
                            "list": post.content_links
                    } %}
                    {% include '../blocks/links-list.twig' with {'block': links } %}
                {% endif %}

    {% if post.related_events != null %}
        <div class="grid-container spacing-5">
            {# Titolo #}
            {% set related_events = 
                    "key": "title",
                    "tag": "h2",
                    "classes": "block-title--sm block-title--divider",
                    "content": {
                        "title": "Eventi correlati"
            {% include '../blocks/title.twig' with {'block': related_events } %}

            {# Correlati #}
            {% set events = post.related_events %}
            {% for id in events %}
                {% set event = post_type.eventi.items[~id~] %}
                <div class="post-row post-row--border-grey">
                    <div class="post-row__inner event-item">
                        <div class="event-item__info">
                            <p class="event-item__date">
                                <span>{{|date('d.m.Y')}} {% if event.allday %}/ Tutto il giorno{% endif %}</span>
                            <div class="event-item__location">{{}}</div>
                            <p class="event-item__title">{{event.title}}</p>
                            <p class="event-item__excerpt">{{event.excerpt}}</p>
            {% endfor %}

    {% endif %}

    {% if post.related_subjects != null %}
        <div class="grid-container">

            {# Titolo #}
            {% set enrollment_block_title = 
                    "key": "title",
                    "tag": "h2",
                    "classes": "block-title--sm block-title--divider",
                    "content": {
                        "title": "Argomenti correlati"
            {% include '../blocks/title.twig' with {'block': enrollment_block_title } %}

            <div class="cards-container">
                <div class="cards-container__inner">
                    {% for subject in post.related_subjects %}
                        {% set card = post_type[~subject.post_type~].items[] %}
                        {% include './partials/card.twig' with {'card': card } %}
                    {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}

    {% if post.related_contacts %}
        {% set news_contacts_items = [] %}
        {% for contact in post.related_contacts %}
            {% set news_contacts_items = news_contacts_items|merge([
            ]) %}
        {% endfor %}
        {% set news_contacts = {
            "key": "contacts-section",
            "classes": "spacing-4",
            "title": {
                "key": "title",
                "tag": "h2",
                "classes": "block-title--sm",
                "content": {
                    "title": "Contatti",
                    "link": {
                        "label": "Vai alla rubrica contatti",
                        "url": "/pages/contatti/strutture.html"
            "content": [
                    "items": news_contacts_items
        } %}
        {% include '../blocks/contacts-section.twig' with {'block': news_contacts, 'id': 'contatti' } %}
    {% endif %}

    {% if post.related_news %}
        <div class="grid-container">
            {# Titolo #}
            {% set news_block_title = 
                    "key": "title",
                    "tag": "h2",
                    "classes": "block-title--sm block-title--divider",
                    "content": {
                        "title": "Novità dall’ambito architettura",
                        "link": {
                            "label": "Vedi tutte",
                            "url": "#"
            {% include '../blocks/title.twig' with {'block': news_block_title } %}

            {# News posts #}
            {% set news_tease_row = {
                "key": "tease-row",
                "classes": "",
                "content": {
                    "featured": [
                            "post_type": "news",
                            "items": post.related_news
            } %}
            {% include '../blocks/tease-row.twig' with {'block': news_tease_row } %}
    {% endif %}

    <div class="news-posts-nav">
        <div class="news-posts-nav__inner">
            <a href="#">
                <span>Notizia precedente</span>
                <span>Agenzia del Demanio e Università Iuav di Venezia insieme...</span>
            <a href="#">
                <span>Notizia successiva</span>
                <span>Collaboratori alla didattica Iuav ottengono una menzione...</span>

{% endblock %}