{% if paths_base == null %} {% set paths_base = ".." %} {% endif %} {% set bodyClasses = "archive" %} {% extends "./base.twig" %} {% block breadcrumbs %} {% set breadcrumbs_block = { "post_type": "taxonomy_archive", "taxonomy": "degrees", "current_term": current_term } %} {% include "../blocks/breadcrumbs.twig" with {"block": breadcrumbs_block } %} {% endblock %} {% block content %} {% for degree in post_type.degrees.items %} {% if current_term in degree.terms %} <div class="archive-degrees-degree"> {% set degree_marquee = { "key": "marquee-images", "speed": "0.003", "content": { "images": degree.degree_images, } } %} {% include "../blocks/marquee-images.twig" with {"block": degree_marquee } %} <div class="grid-container"> <div class="columns"> <div class="w-full lg:w-1/2 column"> {% set degree_title = { "key": "title", "tag": "h2", "clickable": true, "content": { "title": degree.title, "url": degree.url } } %} {% include "../blocks/title.twig" with {"block": degree_title } %} </div> <div class="w-full lg:w-1/2 column"> {% set degree_excerpt = { "key": "paragraph", "content": degree.excerpt } %} {% include "../blocks/paragraph.twig" with {"block": degree_excerpt } %} </div> </div> </div> {% set degree_info_grid_list = { "key": "grid-list", "content": { "items": [ degree.degree_info.content.items[0], degree.degree_info.content.items[9], degree.degree_info.content.items[2], degree.degree_info.content.items[4] ] } } %} {% include "../blocks/grid-list.twig" with {"block": degree_info_grid_list } %} {% set degree_cta = { "key": "link", "content": { "name": "Vai alla pagina del corso", "url": "#" } } %} {% include "../blocks/link.twig" with {"block": degree_cta } %} </div> {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endblock %}