pre-www / src / layout / partials / degree / curricula.twig
<div class="block-tabs {{block.classes}}">
    <div class="block-container" data-tabs-container>
        <div class="block-tabs__tabs">
            {% for curriculum in degree.degree_curricula %}
                <button class="{% if loop.first %} is-selected{% endif %}" data-tab-target="{{loop.index}}">Curriculum {{}}{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}</button>
            {% endfor %}
        {% for curriculum in degree.degree_curricula %}
            <div class="block-tabs-tab" data-tab-index="{{loop.index}}" style="{% if loop.first %}display:block{% endif %}">
                {% set curriculum_marquee = 
                        "key": "marquee-images",
                        "speed": "0.003",
                        "content": {
                            "images": curriculum.images,
                {% include '../../../blocks/marquee-images.twig' with {'block': curriculum_marquee } %}
                <div class="degree-curriculum__excerpt">
                <div class="degree-curriculum__cols">
                    {% include '../../../blocks/grid-list.twig' with {'block': } %}

                {% include './study-plan.twig' with { 'year_1': curriculum.study_plan[0], 'year_2': curriculum.study_plan[0], 'year_3': curriculum.study_plan[0], 'year_alt': curriculum.study_plan[0] } %}

                {% for block in curriculum.inner_blocks %}
                    {% include '../../../blocks/'~block.key~'.twig' with {'block': block } %}
                {% endfor %}                

        {% endfor %}