/** * @license * Copyright 2019 Google LLC * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */ import {LitElement, html, css, unsafeCSS} from 'lit'; import {customElement} from 'lit/decorators.js'; import style from './breadcrumbs.css?inline'; import { breakpoints } from '../../breakpoints'; /** * An example element. * * @fires count-changed - Indicates when the count changes * @slot - This element has a slot * @csspart button - The button */ @customElement('iu-breadcrumbs') export class Breadcrumbs extends LitElement { static override styles = css` :host{ display: block; margin-top: var(--iu-spacing-3); } @media ${unsafeCSS(breakpoints.md)} { :host{ margin-top: var(--iu-spacing-7); } } @media ${unsafeCSS(breakpoints.xl)} { :host{ margin-top: var(--iu-spacing-10); } } :host + *{ background: red; } :host ul{ margin: 0; padding: 0; display: flex; list-style-type: none; } `; override render() { return html` <iu-container> <nav aria-label="Breadcrumbs"> <ul> <slot></slot> </ul> </nav> </iu-container> `; } } declare global { interface HTMLElementTagNameMap { 'iu-breadcrumbs': Breadcrumbs; } }